Our church is a lively community made up of people of all ages and walks of life. We believe that God has called us to be here in Chudleigh to testify to the life-transforming power of God. We aim to discover together what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and to support each other as we 'do life' together as a community.
Whether you are new to the whole idea of church and faith, or have believed for many years and are looking for somewhere to worship, you are welcome!
We do our utmost to provide a safe, inclusive, caring community.

"I am The Way, The Truth and The Life" Jesus Christ
Our vision

At Chudleigh Baptist Church our vision is to be a family of all ages, abilities and backgrounds who love and follow Jesus. This means we value and nurture faith in our children and young people recognising them as an important part of the church of today (not just the church of tomorrow). We seek to worship God to the best of our ability and with all of our lives, putting him first in all things throughout our week.
We want to grow – together as a church through house groups and exploring the bible and rhythms of prayer, individually as we invest in our relationship with God and numerically as we invite others to join us in discovering God. Finally, we recognise that we are called to serve and bless the community of Chudleigh, demonstrating God’s love in creative ways and working for his kingdom of peace and justice, bringing hope and offering a welcome to all.
To find out more about becoming a member of our church please click here.
Leadership Team

Eleanor Moffatt, Minister
Hello and welcome! I am one of the ministers at Chudleigh Baptist Church. My husband, three boys and I moved to Chudleigh in July 2016 after training at Bristol Baptist College. My family keep me busy (and sane!) but when I have time to spare, I enjoy getting out in the beautiful Devon countryside and spending time with friends. I feel so privileged to share in the adventure of leading and loving Chudleigh Baptist Church, discovering where God will take us and how he will shape us as we journey there together. If you like adventures, why not join us on this journey?
Emma Funnell, Secretary
I’m Emma, I’ve lived in Chudleigh for about 8 years now, I’m married to Matthew, and have three children. I became a Christian as a child, but my faith really grew when I got involved in church during my university years. The love of Jesus has brought hope and transformation to our lives and I pray that others would know that love as well. In my free time I love wild swimming with the family, climbing with friends, and painting all on my own!!
Gareth Sowden, Treasurer
I'm a self-employed carpenter doing jobs like manufacturing and fitting kitchens and bathrooms and any other handy jobs. I'm married with two grown up children and live in the same house as my parents.
I've been part of Chudleigh Baptist Church since 2002 when it was part of East Dartmoor Baptist Church and during that time have seen the church grow to become able to stand on its own two feet and to continue to grow and serve its community.
My main interest is cycling and for me there's not much better than getting out with some friends to cycle over Dartmoor and admire God's creation.
Steve Kimble
I spent over 10 years working for the Probation Service and now work for the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency in quality Assurance. I am married to Becky and we have three daughters.
I have been a member of Chudleigh Baptist Church for over 10 years and have served in a variety of ways including House Group leader and running Sunday morning youth groups. I hope that I will be able to serve the Church community now as a member of the leadership team.
Miia Thomas, Minister
I joined Chudleigh Baptist Church as a ministerial student through the Exeter Hub, which is part of Bristol Baptist College and have now been called to be minister here alongside Eleanor. I am married to Chay, and we have 4 children. We have lived in Devon for about 20 years and really enjoy being out in God's beautiful creation, especially up in the wildness of the moors. I also love swimming in the sea as well as in the moorland lakes and rivers. Chudleigh is such a warm and welcoming community and it's great to be part of it.​
Paul Reynolds
My wife Jennie and I have been involved with Chudleigh Baptist Church for over 40 yrs now and in that time we’ve seen it grow from being a very small congregation to where it is now.
I am happily retired but seem to be nearly as busy as when I was working, with 5 grandchildren and elderly parents living nearby. I’m involved with the Chudleigh Community Project, which I see as part of my service to God, but also to the community in which I live. The time I spend with my non-church friends is very precious to me - how can I be salt and light if I only spend time with my equally precious church friends?
I’ve believed for many years that God has a purpose for Chudleigh and is slowly working it out. That what He will accomplish I’ll see in my lifetime. So much has been accomplished in my time in Chudleigh but the exciting thing is there is so much more to come.
We believe that every follower of Jesus is called to their own frontline for mission. This might be the staff room, board room, office, neighbourhood, home or classroom. We aim to share stories from these frontlines and encourage one another when we gather each week.
Some of our church’s frontlines are further afield or are not so visible each week. So here is a list of mission organisations, people, and projects that we support as a church:
Sam & So Young Biggs working in Hong Kong with YWAM
Beauty from Brokenness is a project working vulnerable and abused children and refugees in the homelands of South Africa
Christians Against Poverty – Teignbridge
As a member of Baptists Together UK, we also financially support the work of BMS World Mission and Baptist Home Mission.